Hi! I'm Jonathan Browne. I'm a software developer at Amazon. I've spent my whole life designing, building, and digging into computer systems.

I'm naturally quiet and thoughtful. I'm very curious; in my spare time, I enjoy experimenting with different technologies and learning how they work. I also try to be helpful and ethical whenever possible.

My Projects

SpongePowered: In 2015, I first became involved in open-source work through several contributions to Sponge, an open-source plugin API for Minecraft servers. I became a core developer in 2017, where I worked on maintaining the API and implementation and reviewing community-submitted issues and pull requests.

The University of Texas at Austin: I attended UT Austin from 2019 to 2024 studying computer science in their integrated BS/MS program for computer science. I graduated with both my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and my Master of Science in Computer Science in May 2024.

UT Austin Building-Wide Intelligence Lab: I joined the UT Austin Building-Wide Intelligence Lab through UT's Freshman Research Initiative in the Autonomous Robots stream. From 2020 to 2023, I contributed to several projects within and collaborations involving the lab, including:

Vectra: I worked as a software engineering intern at Vectra during the summer of 2021. I worked on enhancements to customer-facing and internal reporting systems and worked on several internal security hardening features.

UT Information and Systems Security Society: I joined ISSS, a cybersecurity student organization at UT Austin, in my freshman year. Through ISSS, I learned many techniques on how to attack and defend computer systems. From 2022 to 2024, I served as an engineering officer for ISSS, where I helped plan events, talks, and competitions like UTCTF. If you'd like, you can see the challenges I wrote for UTCTF 2023, UTCTF 2024, and other competitions on GitHub.

Amazon: I worked as a software development engineer intern at Amazon in the summers of 2022 and 2023, and will be returning to work full-time in 2024.

  • In 2022, I interned in Amazon's Supply Chain Optimization Technologies organization. I designed and implemented a web service integration for their delivery planning systems and worked on improvements to our development and deployment processes.
  • In 2023, I worked with Amazon's Exports and Expansions organization to build an internal dashboard for cross-team collaboration. I designed and implemented the full web stack for the dashboard, from the frontend to the backend with inter-service integrations.
  • I started a full-time position in the Amazon Exports and Expansions organization in 2024. I now work on bringing new features for the Amazon website to customers around the world.

My Languages

I've picked up a few programming languages over the years.

Java Fluent
JavaScript Fluent
TypeScript Fluent
HTML Fluent
Python Intermediate
Kotlin Intermediate
C++ Intermediate
Swift Intermediate
Bash Intermediate
CSS Intermediate
Rust Basic
C Basic
Objective-C Basic
C# Basic
Ruby Basic
Lua Basic
Scala Basic
Groovy Basic
Go Basic
PHP Basic
x86 ASM Basic
Pascal Basic

Get in touch

The best way to get in touch with me is through email. I'm also on LinkedIn, and you can find many of my projects on GitHub.